Tag Archives: Respiratory Health

Tips and Advice for Parents Who Cannot Quit Smoking

We all know that smoking is bad for your own health and that second-hand smoke can have a huge impact on your child’s health and future habits. 

But smoking does have quite a few advantages to parents who live stressful lives.  A quick smoke break helps to calm down your senses and nerves which enable you to be a better and more collective parent.  A smoke break also allows you to catch up with your spouse or spend a bit of alone time with them which can benefit your relationship tremendously.   And we are not even going to mention the trials that your family will have to endure while you give up smoking. 

The ups of smoking and the difficulties in quitting often outweigh your willpower to quit.  After all, what good is a smoke-free environment if parents cause emotional damage because they are stressed out, frustrated, angry and if no quality time is spent on maintaining a healthy relationship?  Children that grow up in a stressed and aggressive household with a troubled relationship are not much better off than those who live with smoking parents. 

If quitting just isn’t an option for you then the best thing you can do is to be a good, respectable and considerate smoker.  Here are the best tips for becoming a ‘good’ smoking parent;

Tips and Advice for Parents Who Cannot Quit Smoking

Switch Over To a Vape

The first thing you need to do is visit a vape shop in Los Angeles so you can buy a vape pen.  These pens smell much better which means your home and clothes will also be odor free.  Vape pens are much safer for your own health and are especially healthier for your children.  The second-hand smoke of these dried cannabis oils doesn’t carry nearly as many toxins, carcinogens or respiratory irritants.    Vaporizers are much more cost effective in the long run and you can smoke much more discreetly and more conveniently since they are quicker to use and don’t cause as much alarm.  And while you enjoy your vape you will still get all of those relaxing benefits that smoking normally have so you can stay calm and cool while raising healthy and emotionally strong children. 

Don’t Smoke In the Car or House

While vape pens are healthier for your child, they are still not ideal.  Don’t smoke inside your car while you are driving or inside the house.  Stop for a moment, step out of the car or house and enjoy your smoke break where your smoke won’t annoy your children. These healthier habits also teach your child to be a mindful and respectable smoker.

Teach Your Kids about the Hazards of Smoking

Children follow the example set by their parents which means that your child is much more likely to become a smoker than children with non-smoking parents.  It is important to teach your child about the health risks of smoke and secondhand smoke.  You can also introduce them to healthier smoking solutions such as vape pens instead of cigarettes and cigarettes instead of cigars.

Look For the Warning Signs

It is important to mind your own health when smoking.  Look out for warning signs such as coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath and quit smoking the moment these signs arrive.  Your children depend on you and an ill parent will certainly have a huge physical, emotional and educational effect on their future. …