There are a lot of humans who feel that they are not being very good parents to their children probably because it is their first time and they are expecting so much more from themselves. It is important to remember that aside from humans, there are other mammals that are bent on taking care of their offspring.
Even if you are always tired in the office, you would like to make sure that you will bond with your kids because this is the only time when you will get to see them. This is the only time when you can be with them.
Are you thinking about proper ways on how you can bond with your kids? Here are some great ideas that you can try:
- Always eat dinner together.
Dinner is the time when you are all together at the house. Your kids are home from school and you know that you along with your partner can eat together to talk about the things that happened every day. Do remember that when you eat dinner, you should talk about things that are pleasant. Do not talk about things that might upset any of you as this can ruin the whole bonding experience.
- Have a day out with your kids.
It will be beneficial if you can spend a day out with your kids. This means that you will forego all of the things that you have to do so that you can just bond with them and do the things that you like. You can think of activities that you will all enjoy. Whether it is shopping, ice skating or just eating ice cream, a day out with your kids can be very helpful.
- Do some things around the house.
If you need some help with the chores or you would have to make arts and crafts, you can allow your children to help you out with the activities that you are planning to do throughout the day. Not only will you bond with your kids but you will make them feel important as well.
Squirrels and Their Ways
Aside from humans, other mammals also tend to take time to bond with their offspring. Squirrels are highly successful living in a place where humans run the world. Although they are just trying their best to survive, a lot of humans see them as pests because they do cause some problems around the house especially in the yards.
When it comes to squirrels taking care of their offspring, they usually depend on trees. Usually, they choose large trees so that younger squirrels will be able to grow there and actually become stronger until they also become adult sized. Sometimes, people cannot help but ask when do squirrels have babies? This is because they can rarely see the offspring.
This may stem from the fact that most people do not know when squirrels actually give birth to their offspring. They usually have two litters a year. The first litter comes around February to April and the second litter usually comes at around August to September. Unlike humans, the female squirrel would like to take care of their litter on their own. A litter may be composed of about 2 – 5 squirrels.
When baby squirrels are born, they are the same with humans, they are naked and helpless and they have to rely on their mothers for a long time. It will actually take weeks before they can start venturing on their own. Once they start wandering by themselves, the mother squirrels will drive them away. This is a sign that they are ready to be on their own.
If you would compare the things that squirrels do with humans, it is quite obvious that the patterns are quite similar. You may think that squirrels are pests and to a certain extent, they are but when you are getting rid of squirrels, it might be best to drive them away instead of killing them one by one because they are living things too and they also get hurt with the things that humans do to them.